
Scantinel Photonics Lidar Video

Autonomous vehicles, as well as any autonomous system, require a detailed 3D map of their environment to navigate safely. The capability to measure the distance to surrounding objects is essential to build accurate 3D mapping and is the key enabler for level 3-5 autonomous vehicles. LiDAR is therefore essential for autonomous driving as another independent sensor modality, additional to cameras and Radar. Scantinel Photonics commissioned ThinkAllowed to produce an explainer video that would demonstrate the technology in a way that would make sense to any audience without the use of language or complex terminology.

Art Direction : Nick Willett

3D Modelling : Nick Willett & Matt Burkey

Animation : Matt Burkey

Lighting and camera : Nick Willett

#3DComputerGraphics #Automotive #Autonomous #ExplainerVideo #Lidar #VehicleSimulation